New Registration

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Total number of applicant registered in various courses: 87706

Important Instruction

  • AIILSG Regional centres in Maharashtra the courses : LGS, LSGD, DLGFM, EDHM, GIS, ADFSP & DEM Affiliated and Recognized by Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU)
  • Limited Seats in the Batch, First come first admission.
  • Students shall register for the course online in this form on or before the due date for admission.
  • Payment of Course fees by the student confirms the admission to the course and fees once paid by the student shall not be refunded to the student for any reason whatsoever.
  • Student must write his/her name exactly as per the name mentioned in the 10 / 12 Std. passing marksheet, issued to the students by the States & Central Govt. Educational Boards. Any request for change in the name shall not be accepted after registration/admission done by the student.
  • Once the document is signed and accepted by the student, it shall be treated as final & legitimate data of the student.
  • After submitting the registration form online, student will get auto generated unique registration number, which should be retained by the student for all future correspondence & communication with AIILSG.
  • Student must visit AIILSG center within a maximum period of 7 working days after online registration with requisite eligibility documents & Photographs for completion of admission procedure & payment of course fee along with his/her auto generated online registration number, failing which online registration done by the student stands withdrawn automatically, thereafter student has to re-register again.